I’m interested in Indonesia. Once I saw the pictures of there, I’ve been fascinated. There is surrounded by ocean. Therefore, we can see some beautiful view from there. I’ve never been there, but I want to. Indonesia is consisted of some archipelago. For example, there are Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Kalimantan, Celebes, and New Guinea.
The reason why I like this country is that Indonesia might have a lot of interesting cultures. In fact, in this country, they believe in some different faith each other. The 5 faith – Islam, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, and Buddhism are believed in this area. So there might have a lot of different thinking people in Indonesia. It’s a very fascinate point, I think.
Above all, there are very beautiful islands. The pictures of there witch I’ve seen before were unforgettable view. I was very impressed by it. Therefore, I love to go there and I’m very interested in there now.
That's a buzy day it was today!!!
I had a lot of reports to do by today! So very hard for me today! I have written 3 reports consisted of about 900 words on each! I'm tired... However, I have to do these tasks! We have to read 3 books at least for this reports. Above all, the books we have to read is American old literarures. By read these books, I felt something fearness. I think, these age, America has a very unstable society. In these book there a re a lot of problems appeared. I have read ' Catcher in the Rye', ' For whom the Bell Tolls', 'Adventires of Huckleberry Finn',and 'The Color purple'. What I have to do is only typing!!!
Since the day before, my friend had stayed at my house. And yesterday, we had been asleep without our notices!! We slept a lot, but we seemed to need more sleeping time. After my school, we slept again. We had a slowly day. Like a sleeping cat under the sun. By the way, I liked the dog than the cat. However now, I like the cats than dogs!!! I realize the cutie of the cats. When I visit the house of my close friend, her cat came close to me. It was very cute. From the day, I love cats a lot. I want to keep a cat!!! Recently, I don’t see cats around me. When I lived in my hometown, there were a lot of cats close to us. And I often watch cats. Because I am busy now, I often lose my time… So I realize that I need to use the time slowly sometimes. Looking the sky, or walking around my house, and the thing I like… I need to do that to relax my heart and my body. The way to rest my body or my heart was not only sleeping!!! The summer time is coming nearly, so we want to enjoy from my bottom of my heart this year!!! For example, I want to go to sea! And I want to take pictures of the sea shore. I like to see the view of that! Don’t you think it is so beautiful? Too beautiful! Especially, the view of the sun set time… great!!! I like to see the natural view so much! So all I want to go is beautiful locations! Some times I watch the pictures of the world. There are a lot of locations I want to go in the world. To tell one of these, I think the view of the African sun set is very beautiful! I had never been to there, but I want to go there to see the view of that in the future! I think so now. But I don’t have so much money now, the time my dream come true will be after the long span. I’ll do my best to come true my dream in the future surely! And I want to go the south islands in the future too, because I like the sea. Simply, the reason why I want to go there is that. I knew that, but I haven’t been there…
At last, I was starting to think about these things again. I often thinks these things like that, I know. Have you ever thought these funny thing on you? If you have, tell me! How small things is okay! Take it easy!? ;-)
Since the day before, my friend had stayed at my house. And yesterday, we had been asleep without our notices!! We slept a lot, but we seemed to need more sleeping time. After my school, we slept again. We had a slowly day. Like a sleeping cat under the sun. By the way, I liked the dog than the cat. However now, I like the cats than dogs!!! I realize the cutie of the cats. When I visit the house of my close friend, her cat came close to me. It was very cute. From the day, I love cats a lot. I want to keep a cat!!! Recently, I don’t see cats around me. When I lived in my hometown, there were a lot of cats close to us. And I often watch cats. Because I am busy now, I often lose my time… So I realize that I need to use the time slowly sometimes. Looking the sky, or walking around my house, and the thing I like… I need to do that to relax my heart and my body. The way to rest my body or my heart was not only sleeping!!! The summer time is coming nearly, so we want to enjoy from my bottom of my heart this year!!! For example, I want to go to sea! And I want to take pictures of the sea shore. I like to see the view of that! Don’t you think it is so beautiful? Too beautiful! Especially, the view of the sun set time… great!!! I like to see the natural view so much! So all I want to go is beautiful locations! Some times I watch the pictures of the world. There are a lot of locations I want to go in the world. To tell one of these, I think the view of the African sun set is very beautiful! I had never been to there, but I want to go there to see the view of that in the future! I think so now. But I don’t have so much money now, the time my dream come true will be after the long span. I’ll do my best to come true my dream in the future surely! And I want to go the south islands in the future too, because I like the sea. Simply, the reason why I want to go there is that. I knew that, but I haven’t been there…
At last, I was starting to think about these things again. I often thinks these things like that, I know. Have you ever thought these funny thing on you? If you have, tell me! How small things is okay! Take it easy!? ;-)
stories of dogs

In this book, there is a lot of Dog’s story. I like Dogs than Cats. Yesterday, I watched an TV program. It was the program seemed to research which animals, dogs or cats are good for us. There are the dog which can pose like praying which as we do. Or, there is the dog which can smile as we do. It was very cute. In contrast, there is the cat which also can pose like praying such as it does. And, there is the cat which can imitate the bird. It sings like a chicken!!! When the chicken's songs were heard, the cat pretends to be like the chicken!!! It was also cute. I saw this TV's program; I come to prefer both of them!!!
stories of witches

This book has some stories of witches. The most interesting one was that. There was the delicious milk. And the witch loved it. So she thought stilling the milk from the pot of the milk. One day, the miller noticed that the milk’s stolen by her. So he put a lot of extra things to the pot. Then, the witch drunk that milk as usual. It was very bad taste!!! It was the funny ending!! (76words)
For Whom the Bell Tolls
This title was quotated by John Donne. This book was written by Ernest Hemingway. And I am reading this book halfway. To have a little break, I researched about John Donne. Then, I gotta his verse. That's it!
No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe;
every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a
Cold bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse,
as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor
of thy friends or of thine were; any mans death
diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And
therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
(John Donne)
If I could have read this book to the end, I rewrite this review soon. It's semed to be a historial romance.
No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe;
every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a
Cold bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse,
as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor
of thy friends or of thine were; any mans death
diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And
therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
(John Donne)
If I could have read this book to the end, I rewrite this review soon. It's semed to be a historial romance.
The Baby day

In this story, Clare who is the girl in their school appeared. She is so stubborn girl that she always found every thing boring. However, she has the bee’s knee and seemed clever and different from every one else. She came from the best school in the world and she was taken lessons from the best teacher in the world. So every one who is this school’s girl wanted to be like her, and they copied her every time. They always agreed with her. On the project, “Young and Old”, they met Billy’s young sister. At first, Clare didn’t smile at the baby. Girls around her were all grad to see the baby’s acting. Foe example, she seemed to be talk, walk, and climb. However Clare seemed to be unconcerned with the baby. But, hardly had the baby sat on Billy’s knee, she were rived on the spot on the baby. From the moment, she sat on the floor on the same level as the baby. And at last, she smiled at her; all of them could be happy thanks to her.
So it was very nice day for them. I think, Clare is just only stubborn, but she has a pure hart too like them. (207words)
We got two new member!

Novwmber 26th, we went to the you me town with my club members. We all were only 8, but more 2 guys joined us in additon! We are all happy and we hanged out this day! The loser in the game have to pay the penalty! It was... too hard. At first, we bought a humberger. And add two tubes of a masterd and wasabi with it! It is the ghost humberger's picture! It was too spicy! Unfortunetely, we all have to eat that. However it was very funny day.
At last, we took some purikura. This is the member of my club!
My favorite thing.
My favorite thing is…a lucky charm. It was the gift by given from my grand mother. She gives it for me every month since I was born still now! Not only me, has she given these for all her grand sons! It is natural thing foe me, but what a tender person she is, I think so now.
I always have kept this lucky charm. I don’t realize how she mends us when I was a child. However, I could feel her warmth now. Every month, she went a temple to wish our good health expressly.
One day, I heard from her. In her letter, there were a lot of words to encourage us. According to this, she made up her mind to send some letters and the lucky charm for us by her self. From now, my mother did that job. I was very impressed by it.
When I was a kid, I was a Grandmother kid. Still now, I think so too! I love her! Today, we can use some e-mails, but she can’t do that. So now, she is my only dearest pen pal! I can say so with a greatest confidence!
I always have kept this lucky charm. I don’t realize how she mends us when I was a child. However, I could feel her warmth now. Every month, she went a temple to wish our good health expressly.
One day, I heard from her. In her letter, there were a lot of words to encourage us. According to this, she made up her mind to send some letters and the lucky charm for us by her self. From now, my mother did that job. I was very impressed by it.
When I was a kid, I was a Grandmother kid. Still now, I think so too! I love her! Today, we can use some e-mails, but she can’t do that. So now, she is my only dearest pen pal! I can say so with a greatest confidence!
I talked with a woman. She told me some interesting things.It was about what I should to do in my future.I am wandering what to do as my job in the future. I don't have something I want to do now. However, I think, I want to do something what I love to and I can have a pride as I am a person who do so. What it is, I can't know. But, there must be a lot in this world, I believe! For my greatest future, I should do what I have to do now. They are... first of all, I have to go to school and take the classes now! It may be a simple thing.
an article which I saw.
Miura Kills self in L.A
The Daily Yomiuri
Japanese businessman Kazuyoshi Miura, who was in detention in the United States on a murder conspiracy charge, has commited suicide, sources said Friday.
The sources said the Los Angeles Police Department told the Japanese Con sulate in Los Angeles that Miura...
It was the article of the Dairy Yomiuri. It was very big news for us! So I quote this article to my blog! To kill self is a very saddest incident. People around him might be shocked, I think. Recently, these news; killing oneself are very much. Even though a small children still do that. What a sad thing it is! There are parents for all people, and there are some people who cry for his death. So it can't be allowed for people who kill oneself. I hope that these things's strings in the future. And I treasure my life from now on more.
The Daily Yomiuri
Japanese businessman Kazuyoshi Miura, who was in detention in the United States on a murder conspiracy charge, has commited suicide, sources said Friday.
The sources said the Los Angeles Police Department told the Japanese Con sulate in Los Angeles that Miura...
It was the article of the Dairy Yomiuri. It was very big news for us! So I quote this article to my blog! To kill self is a very saddest incident. People around him might be shocked, I think. Recently, these news; killing oneself are very much. Even though a small children still do that. What a sad thing it is! There are parents for all people, and there are some people who cry for his death. So it can't be allowed for people who kill oneself. I hope that these things's strings in the future. And I treasure my life from now on more.
myn sha
After school, 7 girls;Ayaka, Sayaka, Marina, Mari, Misa, Yoshie and I went to the Mt. Tawara to see stars and night view. At first, we planed to have some camps on that day, However, this plans couldn't working out, so we planed to drive! On the way there, we all could have a good time. All of us had some talkings or singing some songs in the car. Above all, it was very nice day! Also a lot of our favorite songs were chouced by Mairina in the car! She has a lot of nice music CD to listen to! It made us so happy in that car! Greatest! I think, she is a great DJ!? May be so!
Reached on the Mt.Tawara, we could seen a beautiful sight from there! We may felt as if the Queens of this city! It's our city!? Yes! ... We may be a funny guys, we all were all smiled at there though it was so cold there. Saying 'Too cold! Too cold!' but we are hot by our happiness! Near the location where were, there were some windmills. BY it's side, I feel it's scale! It was too big! It was so cool too for me. Only me!? I don't care!
At there we take a lot of pictures. from high point or low point behind, of course in front of! I'm looking for printing these pictures! It recall me this nice day whenever. I hope that. I love you, guys! I hope more activities from now! (256words)
Reached on the Mt.Tawara, we could seen a beautiful sight from there! We may felt as if the Queens of this city! It's our city!? Yes! ... We may be a funny guys, we all were all smiled at there though it was so cold there. Saying 'Too cold! Too cold!' but we are hot by our happiness! Near the location where were, there were some windmills. BY it's side, I feel it's scale! It was too big! It was so cool too for me. Only me!? I don't care!
At there we take a lot of pictures. from high point or low point behind, of course in front of! I'm looking for printing these pictures! It recall me this nice day whenever. I hope that. I love you, guys! I hope more activities from now! (256words)
Recently, I feel tiredness. After school, there are a lot of things to do. So I can't sleep much. And It is too cold now. At last, I have been sick! But, I went to my work place yesterday. That's because I had to.
Nov.14th -( our activity!!!)-
After school, 7 girls;Ayaka, Sayaka, Marina, Mari, Misa, Yoshie and I went to the Mt. Tawara to see stars. At first, we planed to have some camps, However, this plans couldn't working on, so we planed to drive! On the way there, we all could have a good time. All of us had some talkings or singing some songs in the car. Above all, is was very nice! A lot of our favorite songs were sounded by Mairina! She has a lot of nice music CD to listen to! It made us so happy in that car! Greatest! I think, she is a great D-jey!? May be so!
Reached on the Mt.Tawara, we could seen a beautiful sight from there! We may felt as if the Queens of this city! It's our city!? Yes! ... We may be a funny guys, we all were all smiled at there though it was so cold there. Saying 'Too cold! Too cold!' but we are hot by our happiness! Near the location where were, there were some windmills. BY it's side, I feel it's scale! It was too big! It was so cool too for me. Only me!? I don't care!
At there we take a lot of pictures. from high point or low point behind, of course in front of! I'm looking for printing these pictures! It recall me this nice day whenever. I hope that. I love you, guys! I hope more activities from now! (245words)
Reached on the Mt.Tawara, we could seen a beautiful sight from there! We may felt as if the Queens of this city! It's our city!? Yes! ... We may be a funny guys, we all were all smiled at there though it was so cold there. Saying 'Too cold! Too cold!' but we are hot by our happiness! Near the location where were, there were some windmills. BY it's side, I feel it's scale! It was too big! It was so cool too for me. Only me!? I don't care!
At there we take a lot of pictures. from high point or low point behind, of course in front of! I'm looking for printing these pictures! It recall me this nice day whenever. I hope that. I love you, guys! I hope more activities from now! (245words)
My favorite thing. -essay-
My favorite thing is…A lucky charm. It was given by my grand mother. She gives it for me every month since I was born still now! Not only me, has she given these for all her grand sons! It is natural thing foe me, but what a tender person she is, I think so now.
I always have kept this lucky charm. I don’t realize how she mends us when I was a child. However, I could feel her warmth now. Every month, she went a temple to wish our good health expressly.
One day, I heard from her. In her letter, there were a lot of words to encourage us. According to this, she made up her mind to send some letters for us and the lucky charm by her self. From now, my mother did that job. I was very impressed by it.
When I was a kid, I was a Grandmother kid. Still now, I think so too! I love her! Today, we can use some e-mails, but she can’t do that. So now, she is my only dearest pen pal! I can say so with a greatest confidence!
I always have kept this lucky charm. I don’t realize how she mends us when I was a child. However, I could feel her warmth now. Every month, she went a temple to wish our good health expressly.
One day, I heard from her. In her letter, there were a lot of words to encourage us. According to this, she made up her mind to send some letters for us and the lucky charm by her self. From now, my mother did that job. I was very impressed by it.
When I was a kid, I was a Grandmother kid. Still now, I think so too! I love her! Today, we can use some e-mails, but she can’t do that. So now, she is my only dearest pen pal! I can say so with a greatest confidence!
Ghost story -book review-
I read this book. There was a couple. The man's name is Nick, and the woman's name is Nancy. They were going to marry soon. However, Nick had been killed accidentally. His soul can move like a alive man, but his body is left the place where he had been killed. Also, nobody can't see his shape. Nancy was very shocked by his dead.
Hen, he knew that Nancy is in danger of murder by their friend. Therefore, Nick tried to save her and revenge to the murder. Though the body of Oda Mei who can hear Sam's voice, Nick could save her at last!
this story moved me very much! And I hope that Nancy and Nick Mei could go to heaven in the future.
Sometimes, I am wandering what to do now. When I entered into this university, I had an hope, what I wanted to be. However now, it is not suited with me, I think. The time is limited, but things which I thinking is going to be deeper more and more. I’m so anxiety for my future. Now, I want to be a teacher. Through studying this course, I face a lot of problems. I feel that this society is too difficult to understand. But we must to live in this world. So we need to be strong now for our future!
Everyone don't knows what will happen in our furture! Be carefull at all!
Hen, he knew that Nancy is in danger of murder by their friend. Therefore, Nick tried to save her and revenge to the murder. Though the body of Oda Mei who can hear Sam's voice, Nick could save her at last!
this story moved me very much! And I hope that Nancy and Nick Mei could go to heaven in the future.
Sometimes, I am wandering what to do now. When I entered into this university, I had an hope, what I wanted to be. However now, it is not suited with me, I think. The time is limited, but things which I thinking is going to be deeper more and more. I’m so anxiety for my future. Now, I want to be a teacher. Through studying this course, I face a lot of problems. I feel that this society is too difficult to understand. But we must to live in this world. So we need to be strong now for our future!
Everyone don't knows what will happen in our furture! Be carefull at all!
My favorite songs.
This songs remind me days of the year before last! This year, I entered this unversity. And I met a lot of charming people. They were the members of my club, people I met at my part-time, my class, and so on. This song was very popular between us. Every time, I listen to this music. I remember... It's name is 'So Sick'
Mmmm mmm yeah
Do do do do do do do-do
Ohh Yeah
Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been months
And for some reason I just
(can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(enough is enough)
No more walkin round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Cryin over you
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be
That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)
Dont make me think about her smile
Or having my first child
I'm letting go
Turning off the radio
Cuz I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishin' you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
Why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
Why can't I turn off the radio? Ne-Yo - So Sick Lyrics
He is american RB singer. He is so cool!!! He can dance very well.
Mmmm mmm yeah
Do do do do do do do-do
Ohh Yeah
Gotta change my answering machine
Now that I'm alone
Cuz right now it says that we
Can't come to the phone
And I know it makes no sense
Cuz you walked out the door
But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore
(it's ridiculous)
It's been months
And for some reason I just
(can't get over us)
And I'm stronger than this
(enough is enough)
No more walkin round
With my head down
I'm so over being blue
Cryin over you
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th
Because since there's no more you
There's no more anniversary
I'm so fed up with my thoughts of you
And your memory
And how every song reminds me
Of what used to be
That's the reason I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(Leave me alone)
Leave me alone
(Stupid love songs)
Dont make me think about her smile
Or having my first child
I'm letting go
Turning off the radio
Cuz I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
Said I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishing she was still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
So why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
And I'm so sick of love songs
So tired of tears
So done with wishin' you were still here
Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow
Why can't I turn off the radio?
(why can't I turn off the radio?)
Why can't I turn off the radio? Ne-Yo - So Sick Lyrics
He is american RB singer. He is so cool!!! He can dance very well.
October 31th to November 2th, we had participate the school festival, called Takumasai. In that, we selled the Takorice. However the second day was rainy and there were less people than last year. After the festival, we held the party. At the first party was held in Hachitora, which is the restaurant for yakiniku. Almost people seems to be happy to eat some nice foods! and the second party was held in Kobento garden, which is a food's bar. We could drink more strong alchole than the first place. And, only 10 people went to the third bar, M take 2, we could talk a lot there. That is the last event for the third grade students in our club, so we were so sad in fact. But the time is too important for us, to know that, we tried to enjoy ourselves. It was a lovely day! Thank you for them! (153words)
The Frog Price. -book review-
The 1st day of the Takumasai!!!
It was the first day of the Takumasai! Did you come in? Unfortunately, the rain was falling to us!! That made us so bad...
What can I do for my future...
Sometimes, I am wandering what to do now. When I entered into this university, I had an hope, what I wanted to be. However now, it is not suited with me, I think. The time is limited, but things which I thinking is going to be deeper more and more. I’m so anxiety for my future. Now, I want to be a teacher. Through studying this course, I face a lot of problems. I feel that this society is too difficult to understand. But we must to live in this world. So we need to be strong now for our future! (102words)
The beautiful sky!

On the way to my home,I noticed this beautiful sky! This picture was taken from half way of upstairs .Also,we can see the Kumamoto-castel from there little a bit.It is very nice to me! I can feel good thing by it!From now on, I'll keep to intend to take some nice pictures!Yon know, I like to see the scene which can move us!
I'll try to get them!ha ha!
Recently, I seem to be busy. But I often feel happy on these days. Above all, people around me let me happy! I feel thanks to every one who are my acquaintances!
I'll try to get them!ha ha!
Recently, I seem to be busy. But I often feel happy on these days. Above all, people around me let me happy! I feel thanks to every one who are my acquaintances!
The beautiful sky!
On the way to my home,I noticed this beautiful sky! This picture was taken from half way of upstairs .Also,we can see the Kumamoto-castel from there little a bit.It is very nice to me! I can feel good thing by it!From now on, I'll keep to intend to take some nice pictures!Yon know, I like to see the scene which can move us!
I'll try to get them!ha ha!
Recently, I seem to be busy. But I often feel happy on these days. Above all, people around me let me happy! I feel thanks to every one who are my acquaintances!
I'll try to get them!ha ha!
Recently, I seem to be busy. But I often feel happy on these days. Above all, people around me let me happy! I feel thanks to every one who are my acquaintances!
happy days.
Recently, I seem to feel happy. I thnk, these feelings were made by a lot of my friends! The school festival will be held soon. The activities for that make me so busy! I know. At the same, we have a lot of tasks in our class too. There are about 7 reports to do! I have to!
We are planning to sell the Takorice. Takorice is the speciality of Okinawa. When we visit Okinawa, we ate that. And we liked it, that's the reason why we decide to sell that at the school festival. When you come our school festival,Takumasai, I recommend you to take it at least one.
We are planning to sell the Takorice. Takorice is the speciality of Okinawa. When we visit Okinawa, we ate that. And we liked it, that's the reason why we decide to sell that at the school festival. When you come our school festival,Takumasai, I recommend you to take it at least one.
About Germany.

Bundesrepublik Deutschland is usually called Germany in English. Acronym is FRG. There’s capital city is Berlin. It has a federal system and it is a republican country.
Germany is the third biggest economic

And the president is Horst Köhle, the chancellor is Angela Merkel (CDU). Germany’s scale is 357,021 square kilometer. The population is 82,424,609.
There were a lot of famous classical music artists! For example, Beethoven! He is known to us in world!

The row of the streets of Germany is beautiful! That's it! There are some famous Churches there. This photo is one of these!
Thigs to do!
Recently, I was confused by a lot of things to do! First, I have to study English more!!! Also I have a lot of homework to do now, these of the teaching course and usual class. Second, Takumasai, our university's school festival's coming! So I have to do something. For example, to make 8 message card for elders, to reserve two izakaya to hold a party. And also, I need to research the costs of their flower to give and reserve that. In addition, I have to plan to call some taxis for them... But they are not all my job. I have some coullage to have these together. That's good. Third, I am lacking of money now, so I have to work more... I works at a Japanese food restaurant. The more, I have to work. By these things to do make me so sick. I want to cry! Help me.
Santa's story
Dating with Masumi;-)

October 13th Mon, I was free, and I seemed to do something fun... This night, suddenly Masumi called me to hung out together! Oh, yes! Okey! I'll go right now! And we gathered at school, we talked over for a few minutes. At last, we went to the down town's Tsutaya. Going ahead to this, I noticed to forget to bring the CD which I retailed, so I backed home to bring that. Again, we went ahead there. At Tsutaya, there were our favorite bazaar. At there, I bought some coaster. It was made by a lot of beads! Very cute! After the shopping, we were looking for somewhere good cafe! We found that at Kamitori. The name was switch cafe! I ate banana muffin and vanilla icecream and hot chocolate there. And Masumi ate Salsa sauced chips and seasonal tea. Good taste! We made up our mind to visit there frequently! It was a nice day!!! Thank you Masumi!
My favorites!

Recantly, I like to collect some foliage plants. This day, I bought three types of the plants and some glass. And I washed the mad for a long time, planted these into the glass! Also, I bought the blue and clear color's jelly instead of the mad. So thease were my handmade plants!!! Sometimes, I put these plants outside let to do photosynthesis. I always put them on my desk, on my shelf and on my toilet's shelf. To see these plants, I can be fleshed!!! I recoment to share this hobby with you! Thank you!
happy birthday!

It was my friend Yuji's birthday! ...No! It wasn't!!Umm...? We mistaked the day! His real birthday was September 29th, but we celebrate it on September 25th!! We bought a drink to him per a person. So he got about 10 drinks! He tried to drink all of our present in front of us! But it can't do. But it was very fun! Happy birthday Yuji!

This is a pretty story. It has some stories about snowman. The story what I like the best is about like this... One day, there was a snowman near one person's house. The person made this snowman. However, he noticed that the snowman seemed to move a little every day!!! He don't know why the snowman's moving!!! At first, I was wandered too. But after reading this story, I could know why the snowman moved. That is... There lives a man near his house. And he seemed to hold a Christmas party at outside of his house. He gathered a lot of coals to barn. That's it!! If the coals were burned, the snowman would be melted!!! And he would be killed. So he move to another place to protect his body.
Bundesrepublik Deutschland is usually called Germany in English. Acronym is FRG. There’s capital city is Berlin. It has a federal system and it is a republican country.
Germany is the third biggest economic power following America and Japan.
And the president is Horst Köhle, the chancellor is Angela Merkel (CDU). Germany’s scale is 357,021 square kilometer. The population is 82,424,609.
Germany is the third biggest economic power following America and Japan.
And the president is Horst Köhle, the chancellor is Angela Merkel (CDU). Germany’s scale is 357,021 square kilometer. The population is 82,424,609.
Assignment 1
I'm going to visit Germany!!!
sight: official sight and wikipedia
keywords & facts: classical music, a row of houses and streets,church etc.
sight: official sight and wikipedia
keywords & facts: classical music, a row of houses and streets,church etc.
The new semester!
From this week, the second semester began! In the last semester, I missed to get an credit! So regrettable that I 'll do my best in this semester not to miss anything again! This semester will be severer than this last one. That's because the temperatures will be so cold, It let me difficult to get up early!!! However, when I was a high school student, I have got up at 5 every day! So compered the days, it may be easy! I won't forget to do this intentions! This is going to finish September, nearly October now. My summer vacation was so good! I think,I could make a lot of friend or some acquaintances! I traveled a lot of place. For example, I took a trip to Nagasaki. Nagasaki is where I have lived in 11 years, but I haven't been there for 9 years. So it was good for me!
I went to Fukuoka city with my friend. We got up at seven, and it was too fast for us. However, we could have a break on the way to there. I slept about one hour in the bus. Arrived there, we went shopping in Tenjin and Canal city. We bought some clothes. I happen to meet a strange man!!! Accidently, I lost one of these. I was very shocked. Then, I met a friend who was the same high school, his name was Ryouta. He wants to be a hair stylist! Someday, I want him to have cut my hair. We went to my friend’s house. He was the same junior high school. I have met him after a long times. We talked over at his house this night. Tomorrow, we went the marinoa city near the Hakata. I’m looking for tomorrow. Anyway, I could make some friend today ;-) So I’m happy!!! (142WORDS)
Time flies...
Time flies…
I actually feel that these days. I’m busy at all. But I have much time to lie back. I don’t like the free time. I may be a person who feels lonesome early. I don’t feel my house as my house some times. As I live a different house my parents live from I enter to this university. I think I got accustomed to the new situations. But it wasn’t. When I went back to my home town, I realized. I could feel relaxing when I was in my home town. I don’t feel sad now, I think. But I feel sad anywhere I don’t realize.
Recently, I was busy as the same; I realize that it is September already! What I did this summer!? I wondered. I went a lot of place or did a lot of thing. But without notice, days slipped by! Ok, I didn’t keep my diary this year! It is the reason why I feel sad with my summer vacation! I’ll keep diary from now on!
I think it is the reason why I feel so all. I involved a big accident. It is the real reason, I think. I was injured mentally in this summer. I won’t tell this story ever. That’s why If I do, it just make me so shocked and the people who was heard about this story can’t be happy, I know. It is not so big accident in the public. But it is too big for me. To be happy, I never tell this story so easily. So don’t mention it! It is just my problem. However, great thing I get are there. It was a great love. People around me treated me very kindly. I was helped from them include many reasons. I could realize that I have a lot of greatest fends on earth, I think so! This summer was a meaning summer on me! Thank you my friends or who helped me a lot!
I think the time to think about something deeply. I think, I like thinking something too difficult to thing or things seemed to be nonsense. That’s because, there are not the right answer of that! So we could keep thinking about that freely. Thinking alone is not interesting, I recommend talking with someone who wants to do. There are a lot of people who want to do. I choose who knows about me a lot. We can talk very deeply things. There are some interesting ideas what I didn’t know. I like the joy to find a new idea! The situations are… For example, gazing some starry sky, sunny day’s clouds. The natural thing teach me a lot of things having some great values!!! Again, I’m coming ro go to somewhere I can see a beautiful scenery!!! Please take me where I don’t know please! It is my real intentions now!!! (482words)
I actually feel that these days. I’m busy at all. But I have much time to lie back. I don’t like the free time. I may be a person who feels lonesome early. I don’t feel my house as my house some times. As I live a different house my parents live from I enter to this university. I think I got accustomed to the new situations. But it wasn’t. When I went back to my home town, I realized. I could feel relaxing when I was in my home town. I don’t feel sad now, I think. But I feel sad anywhere I don’t realize.
Recently, I was busy as the same; I realize that it is September already! What I did this summer!? I wondered. I went a lot of place or did a lot of thing. But without notice, days slipped by! Ok, I didn’t keep my diary this year! It is the reason why I feel sad with my summer vacation! I’ll keep diary from now on!
I think it is the reason why I feel so all. I involved a big accident. It is the real reason, I think. I was injured mentally in this summer. I won’t tell this story ever. That’s why If I do, it just make me so shocked and the people who was heard about this story can’t be happy, I know. It is not so big accident in the public. But it is too big for me. To be happy, I never tell this story so easily. So don’t mention it! It is just my problem. However, great thing I get are there. It was a great love. People around me treated me very kindly. I was helped from them include many reasons. I could realize that I have a lot of greatest fends on earth, I think so! This summer was a meaning summer on me! Thank you my friends or who helped me a lot!
I think the time to think about something deeply. I think, I like thinking something too difficult to thing or things seemed to be nonsense. That’s because, there are not the right answer of that! So we could keep thinking about that freely. Thinking alone is not interesting, I recommend talking with someone who wants to do. There are a lot of people who want to do. I choose who knows about me a lot. We can talk very deeply things. There are some interesting ideas what I didn’t know. I like the joy to find a new idea! The situations are… For example, gazing some starry sky, sunny day’s clouds. The natural thing teach me a lot of things having some great values!!! Again, I’m coming ro go to somewhere I can see a beautiful scenery!!! Please take me where I don’t know please! It is my real intentions now!!! (482words)
One, Two, Threee...by Mr. Nabeatsu :)

1, 2, San!!! The time to say the multiple of three, or including three, I’ll to be foolish! Said mr. Nabeatsu! My dog imitated him so. The picture is proof! His name is Milk. He is almost 3 years old. I love him. He has some skills. Surely, he does shaking hands, shitting down, and lying down when I said! One day, He did a different performance! It is that! Thank you! It include a little lie :-) (79words)
The travel to the next door across the field!

These kids are my relatives! I love them like real my young brothers! Or Over my real brother !? ;-) Anyway, they are very cute guys! The oldest one, named Tsubasa are very smart! He takes care of his brothers a lot, I know! The seconds is Takato. He is very very naughty! He tries some thing to do every day! And, He is very big! The third one is Yuudai! He is a dear boy, polite to every one! The youngest one is Taiga, he is shy boy a little. His voice is little. But there are a lot of brothers to help him!
One day, I travel to the next door with them. I took this picture then! This picture cheers me up sometimes. So I favorite this picture! (132words)
The beautiful sky We saw!!!

It is the sky on the way to my home town!!! Is it a nice? I know that you want to go there. I see ;-) It was a sunny! I like sunny say very much! That makes me so relaxed! I like to see a starry sky too! In these days, I went to Aso just to see the starry sky! I think, we gazed that over one hour!!! Almost 2 Hours! Or 3 hours!... I don’t know. I like to see that without noticing the time span idly! I just like it! Don’t you like that too? (101words)
The biggg face we made!!!

In my home town, I hang out with a lot of my close friend! Foe example, we made such a biggg face with our shadow! I became one of eyes! When we made this, we were on the top of a mountain! And the view was very beautiful! We could look over very wide scenery! It is a observatory! Some people rode the glider from there. Someday, I wish I could ride it! But I’m scary to do that, I am acrophobia! (83words)
The Billy Goat Gruff

In this story, three goats appeared.
The youngest one is Beanie. He was very small and skinny. So he was always hungry.
The middle one is Bertie. He was crazy about sports, he has always his bowl.
The oldest one is Beffer. He was big and strong! In their adventure, they come across a monster called Troll.
I notice that the troll appears a lot of fairy tales. Recently, I watch the movie "Enchanted" of Walt Disney. In this story, troll comes on! (84words)
The Frog Princes

The princes Poppy was the youngest princes among of her sisters. By this reason, she had to marry Prince Humperdink. However he was smelly and smug and slimmer than a frog!
Then a frog rescued her lost thing, a golden ball, from the pond. And she sort of said he could stay with her. Actually the frog visited her palace.
Accidentally, she picked it up and threw it out of the window! It seemed to be killed; she bent down and kissed him from her sorry. Then the shape of it changed! A slimy frog to the handsome prince! At last, they married.
I don't think this story is a nice one! That's because... Beauty is not always beautiful! (120words)
September has come!
At last, September has come to us! There are short vacation was left for us. What should I do! Surely, I have to study, work to earn, sleep… At the same, I want to make a great memory of this summer! . . . Summer? ...It is autumn already!?
I’ll do what I couldn’t do in August! (55words)
I’ll do what I couldn’t do in August! (55words)
August 31th -Happy birthday to you-
We gathered to cerebrate his birthday! He is an old friend of me! Though he was not same high school, we commuted the same junior high school and the same elementary school! And my house and his house are very close!!! Now, he lives in our hometown. But he went to Kumamoto city! At a bar, we were drinking some alcohols. However whole of the bar’s member became as friends! , I feel. Around 0:00, we started to sing for him! He was very glad to the song! It was good plan! (109words)
We gathered to cerebrate his birthday! He is an old friend of me! Though he was not same high school, we commuted the same junior high school and the same elementary school! And my house and his house are very close!!! Now, he lives in our hometown. But he went to Kumamoto city! At a bar, we were drinking some alcohols. However whole of the bar’s member became as friends! , I feel. Around 0:00, we started to sing for him! He was very glad to the song! It was good plan! (109words)
I love Camp!!!
We went to Aso to do a camp. The name of the camp sight was Yoshimuta kougen camp sight. It was located in a forest. I went there with my club member. 15 people were there. On the way to the camp sight, we went shopping. Unfortunately, the log house was too small for us!!! But we could talk a lot or enjoy the BBQ. It made us happy. And, the day was the birthday of two girls of us! So, we prepared two cakes to graduate them! They seemed to be surprised with the ceremony! They seemed to be happy! So it was a nice memory of us! (110words)
Aug 17th - Nice sunday-
This is Sunday! So I had a fun all day with my boy friend! At first, we went to Ozu to receive his lost thing. He forgot bringing his notebook which needs to do his home work. WE had a lunch at a restaurant in passing. After we ate our meals, we started to study. I study for the examination of the secretary 2 and the pre-1 step test of English. About two hour, we were at there. And we went to the Karaoke. We both like to sing! Though only two on the room, we could have a nice time! (102words)
AUg 11 th -my friend-
My friend Yuka went to my house and stayed at my house. She lives in Kagoshima now. And we have been friends for 4 years. We talked over a lot of things without sleeping this day. WE could have fun with talking about love. She has a boy friend. They have been going out for 4 years! It’s great! However, There were a lot of happenings until now, I heard! (71words)
Aug 14th~16th -home town-
From 14th to 16th, I was in my home town. My home town is a great town for me. I these days, I could have a break. I could have met a lot of my friends who lives far away now! And, above al, I’m happy to see off my old ancestors by floating the belfry. This is one of the Japanese rituals. In these days, we went many locations. Foe example, we went to a observatory! The scenery seen from there was very nice! When I going to Kumamoto city, two friends came and saw me off! I like my friends. Thank you! (105words)
Aug 9th 10th -Summer camp-
This day, I went on a camping trip. The members were my elder Mayumi, her boy friend Keisike, my boyfriend Takafumi, and I. At first, we went shopping to prepare the tools and foods. When we arriver at the camp site, we all were hungry! So as soon as we arrived, we started to make our meals! It was BBQ! Very nice! After that, we went to the nearest river. We didn’t intend to swim in the river at first, but we started to swim with wearing our clothes! But it was very fun for us! The scenery seen from the cottage was very nice too! It was a nice day! (112words)
Aug. 8th - fire works-
This is the day when the Hinokuni festival was held! However, I had a pert time job on that day! Very sad! About 8 o’clock, we heard the sounds of some fire works. By this festival, there were none customers there. So we are allowed to see the fire works by getting out of the restaurant we work. We couldn’t saw fire works well, I was happy a little. (70words)
Aug 7th 8th - Kurume-

I went to Kurume. That’s why I chose there, there is my close friend Naoko in Kurume. To see her, I went to there alone. About the noon, I reached at Kurume. I met her and her boyfriend Shigeki. With them, I went to a restaurant to have a lunch. He treated us those lunches! He is very kind! After that, we went her house. We watched a D.V.D of Amuro Namie. She is very cute and cool! I like that very much! I can’t believe that she is about 30 years old and she has a kid! She is too young, I think! After watching the D.V.D, we had a short sleep. Waked up, we went to the nearest super market to buy the stuff of the dinner. She is good at cooking! With waiting the complete cooking, we decided what to hang out this time! That was water! We’ll hang out by the water guns and water balloons! And we had a good time with saddened! I could have a fun like a child! After having a dinner, we played the game with PS3. But it needed high techniques. I couldn’t handle it well. And we started to drink some alcohols. We are both over 20! Drinking some alcohols, we were become sleepy. Especially me! I drunk only two cups of it. We talked over, and slept. The funny day was end up! Thank you so much, Naoko! I’ll go to Kurume again! (246words)
Aug. 5th -Enjoy the Sea!!!-

This is the day what I was waiting for. This day, we went to a sea at first time in this year. The members were people who are Gakuen University! The number of that were 16! The members have a relation with their own clubs. My club’s members were 3 people there. There were the people who I hadn’t met yet. But we could be friends! WE went to Amakusa. The sun shine was very fine. So I was very sunburned! We swam a lot to where we could not reach of our feet. There were some zone where had a lot of seaweed! These caught our leg! It was very weird! But it was a nice day! We took a lot of pictures! This day became a memorial summer day! I want to go to sea in next year with them! (143words)
Aug.4th -working in a office-
Today, I got up at 7:30. I have a job! The job was checking some documents of the TV office K.A.B. From 10 to 16:30, my elder Mayumi and I were worked. The office was very tidy. So I think that I want to work in these tidy offices in the future… To think of it, what is my objective! Sometimes, I think of these things. But every time, I can’t decide what I want to do indeed in my future. I’m studying English. It can be the help for my future? I’m really anxiety. What is the thing I really want to do! I’m confusing a lot! (109words)
Aug.2th -baseball games-
I went to a baseball ground to watch some games. At first, my elder and I were on the bench of the ground. We are talking and watching the games. But a referee warned us to get out of there. So we changed the place to watch that. However the place we arrived was not easy to watch the games well. So we were talking about a lot of things without watching the games. At last, we heard that our team's won. There were my elder, my friend and my new friend. By watching those games, I could make some friends. After the games finished, we went a restaurant to have a lunch. It was a funny day! (119words)
I watched the DVD. It named Spartacus. The hero was the slave of the Sparta in the Athena. Athena was the old city in the Rome. He was trained very hard every day. But one day, he forced to fight to death. But his partner was killed by the instructor.
After this happening, he had straggle. In this story, his power was great, I feel. This is a legend of the world history. I knew it before I watch this story. By watching this story, I felt a lot of things! It was good very much! (97words)
After this happening, he had straggle. In this story, his power was great, I feel. This is a legend of the world history. I knew it before I watch this story. By watching this story, I felt a lot of things! It was good very much! (97words)
The Adventures of Huckleberry finn

I watched this DVD. The boy who was the one of the main cast was Elijah wood. He was a boy at that time. Now, he is an actor too now. His famous movies in recently was the road of the rings.
To read this story, I learned a lot of things. This story contains a lot of social problems. For example, the problems of the blacks. In America, it was a big problem. And it is so too now, I think. There are a lot of problem in the world now.
I think that Huck was grown up in these experiences. He was changed his opinion to the slaves at the end. And Jim and he was the good friend! To keep their friend ship, He helps Jim. And Jim helped him each other. (136words)

I read this book. This story, a robot was delivered at the boy's house. The boy requested to send it to his house to clean up his house tidily. This boy is a lazy boy; He can't keep his room clean. So he was scolded by her mother to keep his house clean more! At a day, he was searching on the internet. Then he fended this robot! So he wanted it! At first, the robot worked well, and his room is going to be cleaner e! But helpingly, the remote controller was broken up! After this happening, the robot began to be crazy, it was started to run away crazy! So his room be dirt as the beginning too. Then her mother was backing home, and she began to scolded to him. However he was sleeping by his tiredness. It was this story. This story was a simple one. And the book cover was also simple. So it was easy for me to read. (166words)
Recently, I had a lot of bad things. For example, my electric dictionary was stolen. this is a test term, so I'm very confused. And I had a bad thing which I can't tell without my closest friends too. But the summer is coming soon! So I don't want to be depressed although summer! I'm making it my mind to think some funny thing every day! After my tests, we are going to the sea with my friends. Recently eibei's friends are very close! We are good friends! We want to have camps too! But now, we must do our best on our own tests! My last test is going too held on July 30th. I'm waiting for my summer vacation's coming! (122words)
Fire works!
I went to the amusement park, Mitsui-green land! July 20 was the fire work's festival! We arrived at there 2 hours before of the beginning of the wire works. So.... I have to ride some terrible machines!!! I am scared to ride such a thrilling one... But the members without me like to ride such a thing. I didn’t want to ride these, but I have to... So I ride the thrilling one! The name of that was NIOH. The machine doesn’t have the bottom, so our feet were free... It was very terrible. I couldn't open my eyes. Ant before our fallings, I cried very muccccccccccccccch! So the seat of the next to me person was always laughing! I was irritated a lot! But after our riding, I feel some fresh! Perhaps, I like to ride these machines in fact...I think. In next time, I would like to ride such a machine again!
After ridding these, we went to the obakeyashiki! By the roped-way, we arrived there. I heard that this obakeyashiki was scarily.... But it wasn't so much!
The sky was getting dark, the fore works festival was begun, This picture is one of that! It was very beautiful. I like these fire works! In these, the heart shaped one was appeared! It was very fantastic sooooo much! (221words)
After ridding these, we went to the obakeyashiki! By the roped-way, we arrived there. I heard that this obakeyashiki was scarily.... But it wasn't so much!
The sky was getting dark, the fore works festival was begun, This picture is one of that! It was very beautiful. I like these fire works! In these, the heart shaped one was appeared! It was very fantastic sooooo much! (221words)

I read Aladdin. In this story, the blue skined-man is appeared. when someone who have the lamp call him and ask some requests, he can do the requests. The dreams come true! But the number of the requests are only 3! If I have this lamp and I cam call him...I am thinking about such a thing! What can I requests? I'll hope that my good health and Good luck. Also I'll request my friends and family's these too! It was not can be true, I know surely! But I like this story very much!

I went to my close elder's house. Her name is Mayumi. And she keeps two pets in her house. One of that is the dog which name is Reon. And another one is a cat which name is Kotaro. At first sight, Kotaro barked at me. But a few minutes later, he became not bark at me. I'm happy. He is very cute!
Also, Kotaro is usually cute. He is very calm. And he always sleeps. But when he was awake, He comes to our close. He often lays opening her stomach. The behaving is a good one, I heard.
My experience with blogging this semester
To tell the truth, it was hard for me to make my blogg a bit.
I had to need a post of the book review more, I think.
However, I liked to write the diary.
So the diary posts were published a lot. Thanks to this class, I feel that I could be able to type some words faster. However, I was late for the class some times. I'm sorry...
Though this semester will end up soon, I'll keep writing some English words from now on too. Thank you to teach me kindly very much!
I had to need a post of the book review more, I think.
However, I liked to write the diary.
So the diary posts were published a lot. Thanks to this class, I feel that I could be able to type some words faster. However, I was late for the class some times. I'm sorry...
Though this semester will end up soon, I'll keep writing some English words from now on too. Thank you to teach me kindly very much!
Looking for a bread.
Last night, I was stayed at my fiend’s house. We are very close friends. We graduated the same elementary school and the same junior high school. But we didn’t go to the same high school. I commuted the Hitoyoshi high school, and she commuted Kuma syougyou high school. The locations of the two high schools were not so far.
Last night, I worked at the restaurant as my part- time job. After that, I went her house and we are talking a lot… The time was 4:00 a.m.! We were go to bed each other, the day was ended. The next day, we gat up at 9:00 a.m. We cleaned up her house; we both went to the school to type our reports. And now is still in the school too. When our reports finish, we are planning to go to the hot spring with our elder, Mayumi. She is my good elder. She takes care of me very much. I feel thanks for her a lot. In the summer vacation, we are going to hanging out many times! To see the fire works, go to sea, have a trip, have a camp… I’m looking for it very much! (201words)
Last night, I worked at the restaurant as my part- time job. After that, I went her house and we are talking a lot… The time was 4:00 a.m.! We were go to bed each other, the day was ended. The next day, we gat up at 9:00 a.m. We cleaned up her house; we both went to the school to type our reports. And now is still in the school too. When our reports finish, we are planning to go to the hot spring with our elder, Mayumi. She is my good elder. She takes care of me very much. I feel thanks for her a lot. In the summer vacation, we are going to hanging out many times! To see the fire works, go to sea, have a trip, have a camp… I’m looking for it very much! (201words)
African sunset!
This summer vacation...

The summer vacation is coming soon! I am thinking about that every day! This year, what can I do? I am thinking about. Hum… At first, I remembered the memories of the last summer. On the last summer, I went to Okinawa with my club’s member. It was 7 women. It was very good! I remember.
The memory what I can’ forget the best was the memories of the Agenasiku- island. This island was not on our schedule at first, but the okinawa’s people recommend us to go there. So we decided to go there. Agenasiku-island was no people on there. So fish swimming near the island don’t know about humans! Then fish gathers at us with their curiosity! They are very cute! Also the view of the sea was so nice too. We love the Agenasiku- Island a lot! Happening, I find the picture of there on the internet, I put it on this blog! If you have a chance to go to Okinawa, I recommend going to the Agenasiku- Island!!! I think it is a great idea! Thank you! (183words)
Beautiful sky of the lake Haruna

Don’t you think beautiful to see these pictures? I like these pictures a lot. And I also want to go there too!
I often see the internet sight to find some pictures. I’ll put some pictures I liked on this blog. I don’t know whether I have to put their homepage address or not to do that, I didn’t put these on this. I’m sorry to put it on his blog.
If I need to do that, I’ll do that as soon as.
What I am thinking about...
Today, it was Wednesday. But the schedules of the school were Tuesday’s schedule, so I have to go to school earlier than usual Wednesday. Since the day before, my friend had stayed at my house. And yesterday, we had been asleep without our notices!! We waked up at 5 a.m. And two of us were astonished! We can’t believe the time’ span!!! Too first, isn’t it? However we said such things, the past time never come back! We had rent a DVD to watch, but we can’t watch it. We slept a lot, but we seemed to need more sleeping time. After my school, we slept again. We had a slowly day. Like a sleeping cat under the sun. By the way, I liked the dog than the cat. However now, I like the cats than dogs!!! I realize the cutie of the cats. When I visit the house of my close friend, her cat came close to me. It was very cute. From the day, I love cats a lot. I want to keep a cat!!! Recently, I don’t see cats around me. When I lived in my hometown, there were a lot of cats close to us. And I often watch cats. Because I am busy now, I often lose my time… So I realize that I need to use the time slowly sometimes. Looking the sky, or walking around my house, and the thing I like… I need to do that to relax my heart and my body. The way to rest my body or my heart was not only sleeping!!! The summer time is coming nearly, so we want to enjoy from my bottom of my heart this year!!! For example, I want to go to sea! And I want to take pictures of the sea shore. I like to see the view of that! Don’t you think it is so beautiful? Too beautiful! Especially, the view of the sun set time… great!!! I like to see the natural view so much! So all I want to go is beautiful locations! Some times I watch the pictures of the world. There are a lot of locations I want to go in the world. To tell one of these, I think the view of the African sun set is very beautiful! I had never been to there, but I want to go there to see the view of that in the future! I think so now. But I don’t have so much money now, the time my dream come true will be after the long span. I’ll do my best to come true my dream in the future surely! And I want to go the south islands in the future too, because I like the sea. Simply, the reason why I want to go there is that. Do not laugh at me please.
I knew that, but I haven’t been there… I’ll go all of the locations where I want to go in my life! To do that I’ll do my best in Japan at first! Cheer me up! (513words)
stories of magic ponies
I read this book.
When I find this book at the first sight, I liked the cover of the book. That was very cute. There are 3 ponies in the cover of it. One of them is the ponie naned Star. And, The second ponie is Coco. And the last ponie is Moonbeam. I liked Moonbeam the best. That ponie wears the white court. Though she was not satisfied with her color, I like the white the best. In the story, she tried to paint the 7 colors like the rainbow to her body. But the paint was no water proof, The beautiful paint was mixed. All hte shades had mixed together to make a horrible,murky mess! The first style was the best, she thought. And I thought so too.
When I find this book at the first sight, I liked the cover of the book. That was very cute. There are 3 ponies in the cover of it. One of them is the ponie naned Star. And, The second ponie is Coco. And the last ponie is Moonbeam. I liked Moonbeam the best. That ponie wears the white court. Though she was not satisfied with her color, I like the white the best. In the story, she tried to paint the 7 colors like the rainbow to her body. But the paint was no water proof, The beautiful paint was mixed. All hte shades had mixed together to make a horrible,murky mess! The first style was the best, she thought. And I thought so too.
In these day
Today, I took two tests. One of them were american literature. And the other was the introduction of English. I thought that I had to study it... In those days, I have a lot of problems in my life. And still now is going on... Next week, we have a lot of test! I have to take 18 tests! To get more credits, I'll do my best on my tests. I hope that I don't have to take toomuch class on my 3rd grade and 4th grades.
Apr May Jun Jul TOTAL
. Blog Posts 17 17 19 14 0
. Comments in 6 2 1 1 0
. Book Reviews 2 3 3 2 0
. Juppun 2 4 3 1 0
. Essays 1 4 2 2 0
. Words 1403 2365 1552 997 0
. Posts w pics xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0
. Posts w links xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
. S: Comments xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
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. S: LibraryThing xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 11
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. S: Tags xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
. Blog Posts 17 17 19 14 0
. Comments in 6 2 1 1 0
. Book Reviews 2 3 3 2 0
. Juppun 2 4 3 1 0
. Essays 1 4 2 2 0
. Words 1403 2365 1552 997 0
. Posts w pics xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0
. Posts w links xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
. S: Comments xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
. S: Links xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
. S: LibraryThing xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 11
. S: VT xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
. S: Tags xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Typing essay 4,5,6,7,8,9
4, My Golden Week
We are going to go to Aso this weekend. The member of that is My boy friend, one of his friends, his girl friend who is my elder of my club. At first, we planned to go to somewhere during the two day. However, I couldn't get the holiday of my part-time. So, we changed the plan. in this plan, we are going to go to Oguni-machi to see the waterfall. According to the rumor, the waterfall will be lighted up only during this week!!! And it will be nice! So I'm looking for going to there.. 85words
5, Food and eating habits
I like to eat very much! Especially, I like to have some sweets. I like cakes, cookies and so on... And I like to cook some sweets. In the fact, the sweet which was made by me was good! I like these sweets! But, recently I don't have the time to cook some sweets, I haven't cooked any sweets. If I have the enough time to cook these, I'll cook. And, I'm not good at cooking some foods! It is my big problem! (88words)
6,How I study English
I always study English with some tools. For example, I often use the CD to tools. For example, I often use the CD to listen to the English conversation. And, I also use the textbook to learn it. I also use the textbook to learn the grammar of English. Also, I think that it is effective to make some friends who speak English. O have some those friends too. To talk with them is very learnable. However, I used to talk them a lot to skill up my speaking. What I need especially to me now is speaking a lot in English, I think. Recently, I always study at desk!
7. My other class
I have some classes without this writing class in my school life. Foe example, I have some classes as teaching course. In this class, I can study how to teach English for student. I can choose high school's teaching course or Junior high school's teaching course. Surely, I can choose both courses. So I am going to get the capacity to be a teacher of a high school and a junior high school. Also, I study the feelings of students. By studying this subject, I remember my memories of my school hood.
8. Foreign countries
I want to go to a lot of foreign countries. However, I haven't been to any foreign countries until now. To go to there, I need a lot of money. So I work a lot recently to go to America. I have one spot that I want to go the best now. There is America. There are my acquaintances in Main. Main is the north of the U.S. Also, I want to go New York City too. But when I was a high school student, I want to go to Germany the best. Still now, I want to go there too.
9.My favorite movie or movies
The movie I like is 'Armageddon'. The song which used in this movie is my favorite song too. The dong 's name is 'Miss a thing'. the song is sang by aero smith. It has a beautiful melody and words! The character I like the best is the father. He was dead to help our earth. Thanks to him, the earth was helped. When I watch this movie at first time, I was very moved. And I have watched this movie at least 5 times in my life. Every time I watch this movie, I cry.
We are going to go to Aso this weekend. The member of that is My boy friend, one of his friends, his girl friend who is my elder of my club. At first, we planned to go to somewhere during the two day. However, I couldn't get the holiday of my part-time. So, we changed the plan. in this plan, we are going to go to Oguni-machi to see the waterfall. According to the rumor, the waterfall will be lighted up only during this week!!! And it will be nice! So I'm looking for going to there.. 85words
5, Food and eating habits
I like to eat very much! Especially, I like to have some sweets. I like cakes, cookies and so on... And I like to cook some sweets. In the fact, the sweet which was made by me was good! I like these sweets! But, recently I don't have the time to cook some sweets, I haven't cooked any sweets. If I have the enough time to cook these, I'll cook. And, I'm not good at cooking some foods! It is my big problem! (88words)
6,How I study English
I always study English with some tools. For example, I often use the CD to tools. For example, I often use the CD to listen to the English conversation. And, I also use the textbook to learn it. I also use the textbook to learn the grammar of English. Also, I think that it is effective to make some friends who speak English. O have some those friends too. To talk with them is very learnable. However, I used to talk them a lot to skill up my speaking. What I need especially to me now is speaking a lot in English, I think. Recently, I always study at desk!
7. My other class
I have some classes without this writing class in my school life. Foe example, I have some classes as teaching course. In this class, I can study how to teach English for student. I can choose high school's teaching course or Junior high school's teaching course. Surely, I can choose both courses. So I am going to get the capacity to be a teacher of a high school and a junior high school. Also, I study the feelings of students. By studying this subject, I remember my memories of my school hood.
8. Foreign countries
I want to go to a lot of foreign countries. However, I haven't been to any foreign countries until now. To go to there, I need a lot of money. So I work a lot recently to go to America. I have one spot that I want to go the best now. There is America. There are my acquaintances in Main. Main is the north of the U.S. Also, I want to go New York City too. But when I was a high school student, I want to go to Germany the best. Still now, I want to go there too.
9.My favorite movie or movies
The movie I like is 'Armageddon'. The song which used in this movie is my favorite song too. The dong 's name is 'Miss a thing'. the song is sang by aero smith. It has a beautiful melody and words! The character I like the best is the father. He was dead to help our earth. Thanks to him, the earth was helped. When I watch this movie at first time, I was very moved. And I have watched this movie at least 5 times in my life. Every time I watch this movie, I cry.
Pre-Seijinn ceremony;-)

My class mate are very goood! I love them!
This day, at first, we had a dinner at a restaurant. The 2 hours were end up soon!
After that, we entered the cafeteria. we talked endlessly...again.
At last, we went to the Karaoke. We sung and talk...
Thanks to this day, I feel that the friend ship of ours could be a stronger one!!!
I'm happy to have such these nice friends!
We might have a lot of task, but we have these nice friends. We can overcome whatever hard! I love y friends!
The beauty and the beast
I read this book. This is the happy story. The beauty and the beast falls in love. But the beast was the cool prince originally. However he was changed to be the ugly appearance. Yet, The beauty loved him. And at the end, he can change to the cool prince. That's why he can change his mind better!
I have watched this story by the video.And I liked it. So I chose this book soon. And the song which used by this video was my favorite one.
I have watched this story by the video.And I liked it. So I chose this book soon. And the song which used by this video was my favorite one.
The Monkey King
Typing essay 13, Summer Vacation!
This summer vacation, I have a lot of things to do! I want to go to sea, back to my home town to see my family, study English more, saving money…and so on. So, I have to work more hardly after taking the tests. If I could get some money, I want to do the BBQ, camps, and going to the sea! Last summer, I had pricked my arm by the jellyfish! It ached very much! So I don’t want to go the sea after the Bon festival. They say that, jellyfishes appear after the Bon festival in Japan. It is a tradition. My friends are going to New Zealand or America in this summer vacation. But I don’t go to nether. In spite of that, I’m planning to go America by my self. If not, with my friends. To do that, I have to saving money in this summer.
Typing essay12, what thinking about my bloggings.
In my writing class, we have our own blog each other. And I have it of course. At first, it was very hard for me. That’s why I didn’t have my personal computer in my house. Though I want to update it frequently, I couldn’t do that. But this year, I can get my personal computer. So I could be able to update that frequently that ever. And I can watch everyone’s blog too. It is fun for me. Some people have nice one. By read these, I am stimulated to make my blog better too. I’ll do my best to make my blog more good from now on!! (109words)
The Happning I did!!!
Recently, I have a lot of things to do. That's why we have to pass some tests in this week and the next week and after the next week... I have 18 tests to pass! That's because, I also mejor the teaching course. The credits we have to get in the teaching course are not counted as the credits we have to get to be able to graduate. Under these situation, my personal computer troubled!!! The parts had broken! What a bad thing it happens!! Fortunately,I could be able to borrow the note-typed computer by this university! I hope that my computer can be repeared well as soon as!
In 10 years future, essays
10 years-future, I would be 30 years old. This is called 'Misoji' in Japan. I hope that I would have a new family then. I would like to have a nice husband, several children, and a dog in addition. I like a Papion. I t has long hair, small, and very cute! And I also want to have my job not only the house keeping. I don't know what to do yet; I'll research it in this school hood. Furthermore, I want to have a trip to any other country. Especially, I want to go to the south island. There would have a beautiful sea! Just like the Tahichi Island. It is where I want to go once in my life. And I want to visit Africa too!!! I can’t expect my future. (134words)
Typing essay 10,11,12,13
10 Using the computer, the good points and bad points
The good point by using computer is very useful I think. By using P.C, we can send E-mail, use internet, search what I we want to know quickly. However, there are a lot of bad points by using it I think. For example, The person who doesn’t know about the P.C can't use it usefully at all. Unacceptable, they can trouble by the computer. They can catch some computer Virus easily. And they can have less information that the person who are good at the P.C.
11 All aboutMy keitai
I got the cell phone when I was the third grade student of Junior high school at the first time. After my entrance test for my high school, my parents give it to me. That was the blue one. I had used it over a year. And I changed my cell phone when I was the second grade student of high school. The second one was white and green. It was fashionable one. Its maker was Foma. And now, my cell phone's maker is Foma too. What I have now, it is white too.
12 What thinking about bloggings
In my writing class, we have our own blog each other. And I have it of course. At first, it was very hard for me. That’s why I didn’t have my personal computer in my house. Though I want to update it frequently, I couldn’t do that. But this year, I can get my personal computer. So I could be able to update that frequently that ever. And I can watch everyone’s blog too. It is fun for me. Some people have nice one. By read these, I am stimulated to make my blod better too. I’ll do my best to make my blog more good from now on!!
13 My summer vacation
This summer vacation, I have a lot of things to do! I want to go to sea, back to my home town to see my family, study English more, saving money…and so on. So, I have to work more hardly after taking the tests. If I could get some money, I want to do the BBQ, camps, and going to the sea! Last summer, I had pricked my arm by the jellyfish! It ached very much! So I don’t want to go the sea after the Bon festival. They say that, jellyfishes appear after the Bon festival in Japan. It is a tradition. My friends are going to New Zealand or America in this summer vacation. But I don’t go to nether. In spite of that, I’m planning to go America by my self. If not, with my friends. To do that, I have to saving money in this summer.
The good point by using computer is very useful I think. By using P.C, we can send E-mail, use internet, search what I we want to know quickly. However, there are a lot of bad points by using it I think. For example, The person who doesn’t know about the P.C can't use it usefully at all. Unacceptable, they can trouble by the computer. They can catch some computer Virus easily. And they can have less information that the person who are good at the P.C.
11 All aboutMy keitai
I got the cell phone when I was the third grade student of Junior high school at the first time. After my entrance test for my high school, my parents give it to me. That was the blue one. I had used it over a year. And I changed my cell phone when I was the second grade student of high school. The second one was white and green. It was fashionable one. Its maker was Foma. And now, my cell phone's maker is Foma too. What I have now, it is white too.
12 What thinking about bloggings
In my writing class, we have our own blog each other. And I have it of course. At first, it was very hard for me. That’s why I didn’t have my personal computer in my house. Though I want to update it frequently, I couldn’t do that. But this year, I can get my personal computer. So I could be able to update that frequently that ever. And I can watch everyone’s blog too. It is fun for me. Some people have nice one. By read these, I am stimulated to make my blod better too. I’ll do my best to make my blog more good from now on!!
13 My summer vacation
This summer vacation, I have a lot of things to do! I want to go to sea, back to my home town to see my family, study English more, saving money…and so on. So, I have to work more hardly after taking the tests. If I could get some money, I want to do the BBQ, camps, and going to the sea! Last summer, I had pricked my arm by the jellyfish! It ached very much! So I don’t want to go the sea after the Bon festival. They say that, jellyfishes appear after the Bon festival in Japan. It is a tradition. My friends are going to New Zealand or America in this summer vacation. But I don’t go to nether. In spite of that, I’m planning to go America by my self. If not, with my friends. To do that, I have to saving money in this summer.
World Trade Center, DVD

I watched this DVD.I was very moved. And, I feel fear what happen in the U.S. actually. Suddenly, a plane crashed into one of the twin tower. After that, another plane crashed into the other building! several thousand people was killed by this accident. Not only the people who were in the buildings, a lot of people who were going to help them were also killed. their family had cried, cried and cried...
I can't allow these action! Thinking of it, I cried a lot!
Today, I went to 'Gokuraku-yu' with my boy friend,my elder and her boy friend. I like to go to onsen.At first, I went to the Salt sauna!!! About 10 minutes, we were there. After that, my skin became smooth that ever!!! Also, I take the out side bath. the winds which blew outside was very nice, the water was good temterature for us!!! We could feel good! After got out of the onsen, we had a dinner. We ate Katsu-don! The calorie we could lost may had came back again, I afraid so...
I like to see the sky. The night sky, daytime's sky, sunnyday's sky, even the cloudy ,I like to see these sky. Especially, I like to glance at a lot of stars. The stars are located on very far direction from me. But they always shining as like as cheer me up. Very beautiful, I think.
Typing essay, my keitai
I got the cell phone when I was the third grade student of Junior high school at the first time. After my entrance test for my high school, my parents give it to me. That was the blue one. I had used it over a year. And I changed my cell phone when I was the second grade student of high school. The second one was white and green. It was fashionable one. It's maker was Foma. And now, my cell phone's maker is Foma too.What I have now, it is white too. (95 words)
How wonderful the sports are!
I watched a video of an episode. The story was about Fushimi high school. about 20 years ago, that school was very in bad temper by many hooligans of students. One day, a teacher, his name was Mr. Yamaguchi appeared in that high school. He was the national rugby player. So he want to teach his rugby to the student.However, there was no student to do rugby... Then he gather the member of the players of rugby in the school and taught it to them. He had troubled to teach it to them. But he came into contact with then from his heart! By his earnest way, they were gradually changed to the good way! At the last that high school could grow up to a strong high school in the strength of rugby! Through this process, he could change their mind. And he was able to make them realize that they are needed by the others, they are worth to alive! They could recaptured the self-esteems!
I am legend
I watched the DVD,'I am legend'. I t was good story. In the story, the story of Bob Merley was introduced. To know that, I was touched. He was believed that we can keep peace to share the love and music. before 1 day of his speech, he was shotted. However he sung the song and present to the stage. And he said, 'the evil don't have a break, so I won't have any break too!'
The story was also good. A the scene that a dog dead, I cried! Anyway, I recommend you to see this movie as soon as!
The story was also good. A the scene that a dog dead, I cried! Anyway, I recommend you to see this movie as soon as!
(/・∀・)/B B Q ☆

I am writing the diary of yesterday! Yesterday, June 22th, We went to have a BBQ! There are a lot of people, and I could made a friend newly. He is called Yasu having a strong frame! But he is very funny and mood maker.
After the BBQ, we enjoyed with some children. There were 10 kids at least. And all of them was very cute! I'll insert some picture of them here. Yesterday, I got up early, and made some rice balls with some people. the foods were delicious too. Above all, the best thing was the smile of kids!!! Very nice;-)
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