In this story, Clare who is the girl in their school appeared. She is so stubborn girl that she always found every thing boring. However, she has the bee’s knee and seemed clever and different from every one else. She came from the best school in the world and she was taken lessons from the best teacher in the world. So every one who is this school’s girl wanted to be like her, and they copied her every time. They always agreed with her. On the project, “Young and Old”, they met Billy’s young sister. At first, Clare didn’t smile at the baby. Girls around her were all grad to see the baby’s acting. Foe example, she seemed to be talk, walk, and climb. However Clare seemed to be unconcerned with the baby. But, hardly had the baby sat on Billy’s knee, she were rived on the spot on the baby. From the moment, she sat on the floor on the same level as the baby. And at last, she smiled at her; all of them could be happy thanks to her.
So it was very nice day for them. I think, Clare is just only stubborn, but she has a pure hart too like them. (207words)
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