I read this book. This story, a robot was delivered at the boy's house. The boy requested to send it to his house to clean up his house tidily. This boy is a lazy boy; He can't keep his room clean. So he was scolded by her mother to keep his house clean more! At a day, he was searching on the internet. Then he fended this robot! So he wanted it! At first, the robot worked well, and his room is going to be cleaner e! But helpingly, the remote controller was broken up! After this happening, the robot began to be crazy, it was started to run away crazy! So his room be dirt as the beginning too. Then her mother was backing home, and she began to scolded to him. However he was sleeping by his tiredness. It was this story. This story was a simple one. And the book cover was also simple. So it was easy for me to read. (166words)
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