
Jojo's story

This story was sad story. At the begining of this story, jojo was shocked by the situation. The situation is...he had been a only boy in this villege because of the war. His family was dead, and his aquaintances were all dead. And he was scared the man who killed his family,so he couldn't just enter his house majestically.
Then, he met a man ehose name is Chris. He is very kind man. Jojo talked a lot and he likes him. Halfway, he triped with him,however the time to separete him had come. Jojo didn't want to, but he should to do. He was shocked again to be alone in the fighting field. There were noisy gun sound . And, he met a lot of children who were injured by landmines. Some childlen were missing their legs. Jojo was shocked by it too.
At last he could met a man who is a friend of his brother. Jojo was very glad to meet him. And he gave Jojo a old gun. He said that it is neccesary for Jojo. Jojo get a gun and he feel himself a man not a boy.
In this story, I found a lot of expressions which uses some animal's name. I was impressed by one of these expressions. It is about " I am like a snake. I don't have old skin and new skin".
I think "the old skin " means Jojo's family, friends, villege,or what he lost in his villege.Also, I think " the new skin" means the new home, new friend ,or what he have at the time. It express well the situation of him.
I like this story!

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