Alice In The Wonderland


The technology will also develop. The robot will do something what we had to do former.
The popular culture will be more Americanised all of the world.
Jojo's story
Then, he met a man ehose name is Chris. He is very kind man. Jojo talked a lot and he likes him. Halfway, he triped with him,however the time to separete him had come. Jojo didn't want to, but he should to do. He was shocked again to be alone in the fighting field. There were noisy gun sound . And, he met a lot of children who were injured by landmines. Some childlen were missing their legs. Jojo was shocked by it too.
At last he could met a man who is a friend of his brother. Jojo was very glad to meet him. And he gave Jojo a old gun. He said that it is neccesary for Jojo. Jojo get a gun and he feel himself a man not a boy.
In this story, I found a lot of expressions which uses some animal's name. I was impressed by one of these expressions. It is about " I am like a snake. I don't have old skin and new skin".
I think "the old skin " means Jojo's family, friends, villege,or what he lost in his villege.Also, I think " the new skin" means the new home, new friend ,or what he have at the time. It express well the situation of him.
I like this story!
They met casually. He is a son of a editor, and he is a reporter.And She is a photographer.
So at the end of this story, the article had been made by the sentences of him and the photograph of her.
They looked at this newspaper with them arms crossed.It means they came to be a couple! That's nice!
speaking class assignment
I want to travel around the world, because I want to understand a lot of ideas people who I don't know have.Therefore, I want to be a tourist in the near future! I like seeing sightes thinking of the histry or geografy there.I hope that I could travel everywhere though my career!
After my marridge, I want to be a mother of two childlen. One is a girl, and another is a boy. I think the boy who has a old sister will be a kind man. Also, the girl who has a young brother will
be a reliable women. However, I don't want to retire the job. I want to work sometimes.
2.The future after 5 years from now
I think I will work very hard this year.It would be the first year from my graduation.I can't
dredict my future clearly, perhaps my sister could marry or my brother could do! May be I would not yet ...I think.
This is sad story. That's because most charactors dead at the end. Fathermore, They dead with detesting each other.
I wander if everyone knows this story in denmark.
Speaking Class
Costmars can chose the kind of the music; Reggae,Hip Hop, Hawaiian, Ratin...
Fathermore, they can see muvies there while the meal. We also have some special menu! These are "muvie menu". It is a meals which the actor were eating in the muvie.
Typing Home work 1, spring vacation
September 27th
Dear Mr.Satoh
I'm sorry that I didn't come to your class on Thursday. This is the reason why I wasn't able to come to the class.
I had a stomacache from after noon.
So I atended to the 1rst and 2nd class today (9/27).
However I went home becase of the sick. Also I'm in bed now!
August 29th
I could make some friends there.
It was a hot day!
Therefore,I couldn't participate the camp.
We would go to Aso. I wanted to go there with them.
I'm in bed now.
I'm very sad.
August 22th
There were four members. Two of them were the student of Kumamoto Kenritsu University. The one of them was a student of a nursing school in Kagoshima.
However,halfway a yakiniku-party substitute to the salad party.We made a few kind of salads.
All of them tasted good!
After that, we watched DVD.
We made forest,avenue ,factory,river and lake.
Limpopo River
This book is the sequel to "The elephant's child wants some answers".
This book's title is "The great, grey, green Limpopo River".
At last , the elephant's child was ate by crocodile! I am very sad!
He was alone. So he must be lonesome!
I read "The Elephant's Child wants some answers"I don't like this story! That's because the animals around the elephant are too cruel.Everybody who was spoken got angry and sent him away.
At last, he became alone and went away for a walk in the forest...
This ending was too sad. Why did they behave such awful! I can't believe it!
The teacher's secret
So I could read it easily.Japanese one is "nou"-Japanese old play like "kabuki"-.
The actor of it was Motoya Izumi.He is famous in Japanese.
I like this story.The craftiness of the teacher is funny for me.
He was just a boy at first. The moment he pulled the sword ,he became tha good king.
However He was fail to maintain.
Eventualy,he was deceived and he was dismissed.
I can't understand this story well.But it was pity .
This story's main cast is Brown.He was not thief at first.However he was arrested in prison.
He insist that I am not a thief .Then,he decided to run away.Though running away,he became a thief to run away.
At last,he went back to the prison.
I think him to be fool.
They went the Amazon to race with motercycle.
Then, they met some Indians .They knew from them that the Indians were killed by miners.
To hear that,the two mens went to where the mimers were in,they talks to the polise.They were about to be killed.It was very dangerous.
However they could help them at last.Then,the two mens were blessed by Indians very much.
It is happy end!Good!
This story seems to me simple ,but it was verry interesting.
This story's helo is Lobin Hood. He was hatedat first .However he was overcome.
This story was a unhappied story.
I was shocked that the king was about to be killed.He changed his costume to beggar's.Then,however he said "I am the king" ,he wasn't belived.
Therefore,I think one's first impression is important.
This story was a unhappied story.
I was shocked that the king was about to be killed.He changed his costume to beggar's.Then,however he said "I am the king" ,he wasn't belived.
Therefore,I think one's first impression is important.
The Gift Of the Magi
A woman had a beautiful hair.Her name isDella.
Also, A man had his favorite watch. His name is Jim.
Oneday,it was Christ mas.However,they have little money to buy thir gift each other.
Then,he sold his favorite watch to buy acomb which she wanted for her.
Also,she sold her beautiful hair to buy a chain for his watch.
Therfore,they got a thing to no use and they don't have much momey.
However ,they have a lot of love.
Speaking class
It is because we made some mistakes last week.
That's all.
number one
I had never read any horror book in English.
This story's name is "THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM"
This is mystelious!I am reading this book halfway.